Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Paul's Second Pilgrimage

Reflection by Paul

This morning was a typical day--off to a 7:30 breakfast and after breakfast was a 1 1/2 mile walk to St. Theresa of Avila Church for our first catechesis. My typical pains have subsided from last night's standing on the sidewalk and for 4 or 5 hours and I'm up and roarin' to go again today.

Two young girls from Australia introduced Cardinal George, the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, who would be the catechesis leader on the topic of "faith". The two girls, Tania and Jess, discussed how they attended WYD 08 in Australia and were inspired to return to WYD 11 to continue the revitalization of their Catholic Faith which they had gotten away from and are very involved in their religion as was observed from their taking part as presenters for thousands of English speaking Pilgrims from all over the world.

Cardinal George explained that faith was a process of trust, love, respect and believing without seeing. God never revealed his name for thousands of years and referred to himself as "I am" when asked who he was. Later in the New Testament Jesus referred to God as Our Father.

Every prayer refers the the name "Jesus", and once we learn a name, we begin to love and follow just as when your pet learns his name, he will begin to follow your commands.

Evil does exist in this world but we are given the gift to have faith and make choices. It is up to us to make the right choices. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a beautiful Mass.

After lunch we were split into groups to explore the city, visit churches and museums, watch the celebrations, concerts, and enthusiastic pilgrims singing and dancing and enjoying the end of the day.

For me personally, this Pilgrimage has helped me to stay strong and have an optimistic view of life and to try to continue to be active in all areas of life. Jesus has directed me to this Pilgrimage so that I can test out my own abilities learn better how to deal with problems both physically and mentally. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to continue in improving myself and saying "I can do this". Finally to the parishioners of St. George, your requests for prayers have been left all over the city. Thank you again.

Your friend,


  1. Go Paul! May your strenght and energy continue through the week! So good to read your reflection. God bless! Paula D

  2. Yeah Paul! May your strength and energy continue through the week. God bless! Paula D
